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Where do birds go in the winter?

Here in Canada, winters are pretty cold
I would like to know where do birds go in winter?
do they hibernate? if so where??

I know a few (migratory birds) fly South, but what about the sparrows, finches, etc, etc

Anticipated thanks for your replies

11 years old

Why do animals and humans eat different foods?

Why is it that some foods for humans aren’t good for other mamals and animals?

Andrew Ford

Is there a limit to how fast a man can ever run?

Given that Olympic World Records are constantly being beaten, is there actually a limit as to how fast a man can ever run?

Paul Warner

How potent is stomach acid?

How potent is stomach acid? If it’s really acidic, why doesn’t it burn through your stomach and intestines? And why doesn’t it burn, say, the floor, if you throw up? What CAN stomach acid burn through? Can it be compared with any other acid? How is it produced?

Anna, 15-24

Why do we have eyelashes?

Why do we have eyelashes?


Thorold, Ontario, Canada

3-4 year old

How do octopuses swim, change colour and texture?

How do octopuses swim, change colour and texture?

alexandra reid

How fast do hummingbirds flap their wings?

How fast do hummingbirds flap their wings?


Why is a killer whale called a killer whale when its actually a member of the dolphin family?

Why is a killer whale called a killer whale when its actually a member of the dolphin family?


Does the brain control emotions?

We all have a broad range of emotions. Am I correct in believing that each emotion has an evolutionary significance? If so is each of our emotions controlled by chemicals in the brain?

Richard Shepherdson

Why does a person grow physically but mentally it takes time?

my question is “Why does a person grow physically but mentally it takes time”?

please send your answers to my email michael.bandrow@ymail.com