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Does the brain control emotions?

We all have a broad range of emotions. Am I correct in believing that each emotion has an evolutionary significance? If so is each of our emotions controlled by chemicals in the brain?

Richard Shepherdson

Why does a person grow physically but mentally it takes time?

my question is “Why does a person grow physically but mentally it takes time”?

please send your answers to my email michael.bandrow@ymail.com

How many volts or amps would it take to kill an average person?

How many volts or amps would it take to kill an average person IF the current is confined to the brain alone?


Why does white paper appear white?

If you stand out in the open on a grass-green meadow under a blue sky with your back to the sun, why does a white piece of paper, held in the shade of your body but still in the, supposed, blue-scattered-light; from the sky, still appear white? Is this because the eye colour-corrects to see white, why doesn’t it see the sky as white aswell?

Chris Bradley

How do we see colour from different light frequencies?

How do we see colour from different light frequencies?

Francesca Josephson

What does death feel like?

What does death feel like?
Charley Hutchinson from Stockton on Tees (Aged 5-14)

Why do we get emotional?

Why do we get emotional?
Michael Lough from County Durham (Aged 5-14)

Could you create a robot with a mind of its own?

Could you create a robot with a mind of its own in a lab? Could it have human features?
Brandy Jo Anderson from Conwy (Aged 55+)

What chemicals are in an animal’s brain?

What chemicals are in an animal’s brain?
Bobby from Midlothian (Aged 5-14)

What is the evolutionary advantage of susceptibility to hypnotism?

What is the evolutionary advantage of susceptibility to hypnotism?
Johnny Heff from Greater London (Age 35-44)