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Where do birds go in the winter?

Here in Canada, winters are pretty cold
I would like to know where do birds go in winter?
do they hibernate? if so where??

I know a few (migratory birds) fly South, but what about the sparrows, finches, etc, etc

Anticipated thanks for your replies

11 years old

Could you swim under Australia?

Is it possible to swim under Australia? I mean islands are not connected to the core of the earth so you could actually swim under them. Well it isn’t possible because islands are like upside down mountains but…
Basically, is Australia attached to the core like all other countries or is it an actual island? So just say we could swim under islands because they arent attached to the core, would we be able to swim under Australia?

(I know it is a stupid question but I have to do a project and I am supposed to research about a question that has been on your mind lately. So if you dont mind I would really appreciate it if you could answer my question. Thank you!!)

Sian Graham

How do you breed tropical butterflies?

How do you breed tropical butterflies?
What equipment do I need?

Finn Duggan from London (Age 5-14)

Can some acid burn through anything?

Some acid can burn through anything – so why won’t it burn through the glass jars it kept in?
Harry from Buckinghamshire (age 5-14)

If acid burns stuff how can it stay in glass bottles?
Adam from Hertfordshire (age 5-14)

When a parachute opens does the sky diver go up?

When a parachute opens does the sky diver go up?

Rob from Gloucestershire (age 5-14)

How do we float in space?

How do we float in space?
St.Anselms RC Primary School (Age 5-14)
Sylvia Kucharska-Nguyen and Year 3 from Kent (age 5-14)

How do we know when the universe will end?

How do we know when the universe will end?
Nicola Symeonides from Essex (Aged 5-14)

Why do flames rise?

Why do flames rise instead of going down or to the sides?
Branden from Stockton on Tees (Aged 5-14)

Why can you never reach the end of a rainbow?

Why can you never reach the end of a rainbow?
Rhianna Modi from Leicester (Aged 5-14)

How do helicopters fly?

How do helicopters fly?
Gary from Kent (Age 5-14)