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Is the Earth expanding and does the Sun have an orbit?

How can people be so sure that the earth is expanding? Also, if the Sun has an orbit what keeps it in its orbit?

Do all known planets rotate anticlockwise?

The earth rotates anticlockwise. Do all known planets (and suns?) rotate anticlockwise?

Derek Gouldsworthy


Why do we want to know how the universe was made?

If scientists know how the universe is made then what will happen from that – what kind of benefit would they get from it?


at what rate are stars being consumed by the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy?

At what rate are stars being consumed by the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy?

steve w

How do space and gravity work together?

Like space time is the black stuff of space and gravity related in the same way? We know that galaxies are spinning to fast to stay together. They say it is the black stuff that stops or controls them from flying apart. So does gravity and the black stuff work together, and cannot be separated?

Don Lykles. New Zealand (55+)

Why can’t we see galaxies moving away from us?

How are galaxies speeding away from earth at 1 million meters per second? Why dont they look like they are moving that fast?

Asked by: Tiana

What is it like being a scientist?

What is it like being a scientist? What expiriments have you recently done? Have you worked in a laboratory? If you have, what is it like? Do you know any scientists with wild white hair and are in a lab coat? What do you do on an average day as a scientist?

Abigail Mitchell

Could the big bang not have been an explosion?

The Big Bang.

Please help me rid my mind of a recurrent idea which surfaces every time I read the New Scientist. It is this:-
The big bang did not explode taking all the space-time, matter and all with it giving rise to the need for inflation but it imploded, for want of a better way to say it, and the generation of space-time formed a sort of event horizon surround in the nothing. Hence there is an ever expanding birthplace for all that we can see, leaving behind the steady, relatively, state as we observe it. This means that wherever we look at as great a distance as we have the capability to look, every thing looks younger because it is.

Brian Churchyard

How large is the universe?

How large is the universe?


How do we float in space?

How do we float in space?
St.Anselms RC Primary School (Age 5-14)
Sylvia Kucharska-Nguyen and Year 3 from Kent (age 5-14)