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Could you swim under Australia?

Is it possible to swim under Australia? I mean islands are not connected to the core of the earth so you could actually swim under them. Well it isn’t possible because islands are like upside down mountains but…
Basically, is Australia attached to the core like all other countries or is it an actual island? So just say we could swim under islands because they arent attached to the core, would we be able to swim under Australia?

(I know it is a stupid question but I have to do a project and I am supposed to research about a question that has been on your mind lately. So if you dont mind I would really appreciate it if you could answer my question. Thank you!!)

Sian Graham

Do all known planets rotate anticlockwise?

The earth rotates anticlockwise. Do all known planets (and suns?) rotate anticlockwise?

Derek Gouldsworthy


Why can’t we see galaxies moving away from us?

How are galaxies speeding away from earth at 1 million meters per second? Why dont they look like they are moving that fast?

Asked by: Tiana

How deep is it to the centre of the earth?

How deep is it to the centre of the Earth?




What is it like being a scientist?

What is it like being a scientist? What expiriments have you recently done? Have you worked in a laboratory? If you have, what is it like? Do you know any scientists with wild white hair and are in a lab coat? What do you do on an average day as a scientist?

Abigail Mitchell

How many large objects have been identified in the universe?

How many large objects (stars or planets / solid or gas) have been identified in the universe, so far and are there estimates about how many more will be discovered in the next 100 years? Is it known / acknowledged that the universe is expanding continuously and that there are an infinite number of large objects?
Peter Hayhurst from Cheshire (Aged 55+)

How did the dinosaurs die?

How did the dinosaurs die?
Kai Wall from Stockton on Tees (Aged 5-14)

What really made the dinosaurs extinct?
Harry from West Midlands (age 5-14)

Why did the dinosaurs become extinct?
Thomas from West Midlands (age 5-14)

Why didn’t all the dinosaurs die out? That is, for example, if birds are descended from dinosaurs how did their ancestors manage to survive when others died out?
Benjamin Glover from West Midlands (age 5-14)

What is the sun made of?

What is the sun made of?
Corinne Kerr from Stockton on Tees (Aged 5-14)

What makes the earth spin?

What makes the earth spin?
Megan Cannell from Buckinghamshire (Aged 5-14)

How does the earth turn round?
Freddie Woollard from Suffolk (age 5-14)

What depth of snow equates to 25mm of rain?

What depth of snow equates to 25mm of rain?
David Watton from west midlands (Aged 55+)