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The universe – a jungle teeming with life or a desert?


Kevin Fong is is a leading expert on space medicine in the UK and the co-director of the Centre for Aviation Space and Extreme Environment Medicine at University College London. He is also a Lecturer in Physiology at UCL.

When you look up above on a clear night, at an open sky filled with stars, what are you really seeing?  A jungle teeming with life or a desert?

How close are neuroscientists to discovering…?


Dorothy Rowe is a world-renowned psychologist and writer.

How close are neuroscientists to discovering the intervening steps between the neuronal connections arising from learning and our individual interpretations or meanings?

Why do we have dreams?


Kathy Sykes is a physicist and broadcaster, who has held the post of Collier Chair For Public Engagement in Science and Engineering at the University of Bristol since 2001.

Why do we have dreams?

Why do people dream?
Mahsa Bahary from Tyne and Wear (Age: 5-14)

When, realistically, will the first spaceships carrying humans leave our Solar System to travel to the stars?


Anton Vamplew is a British astronomer, author, lecturer and media presenter. 

When, realistically, will the first spaceships carrying humans leave our Solar System to travel to the stars?

What are the best conditions (rain drop size, time of day/year etc) to see the perfect rainbow?


Kaddy Lee-Preston is a broadcast meteorologist who can currently be seen on BBC South East.

What are the best conditions (rain drop size, time of day/year etc) to see the perfect rainbow?

Why don’t we as a society spend at least ten times what we currently spend on science?


Brian Cox is an experimental physicist and Royal Society University Research Fellow. He is a member of the High Energy Physics group at the University of Manchester and also works at CERN.

“Why don’t we as a society spend at least ten times what we currently spend on science?”

If computers become as intelligent as humans – what would happen?


Raj Persaud is a consultant psychiatrist, broadcaster and author of popular books about psychiatry. He is a well known for his contribution to the public awareness of psychiatric and mental health issues.

If computers become as intelligent as humans, would they then start to demonstrate other human propensities of mind – would they for example fall in love – or get jealous or suffer mental illness? If not does this mean scientists believe it’s possible to completely separate intelligence or rational thought from emotion?

Is there life on other planets?


Colin Pillinger is a planetary scientist and was the principal investigator for the Beagle 2 Mars lander project.

Is there life on other planets?

Computers can beat humans at chess, but which games are still dominated by humans?


Simon Singh is an author with a doctorate in physics from Emmanuel College, Cambridge. His works include Fermat’s Last Theorem, The Code Book and Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial.

Computers can beat humans at chess, but which games are still dominated by humans?

Is there an ultimate limit to human lifespan?


Colin Blakemore is a neurobiologist specializing in vision. He was formerly chief executive of the Medical Research Council (MRC).

Is there an ultimate limit to human lifespan?