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When a parachute opens does the sky diver go up?

When a parachute opens does the sky diver go up?

Rob from Gloucestershire (age 5-14)

Because space is curving around the sun, are we slowly orbiting towards the sun?

Because space is curving around the sun, are we slowly orbiting towards the sun?
Jack from Somerset (Aged 15-25)

Is there really such a thing as a force of gravity especially as it can’t be explained in quantum mechanics?

If a singularity is formed by a very dense mass and causes time and space to bend, then instead of trying to explain gravity perhaps what appears to be a gravitational force is in fact space bending causing a spiralling effect towards any mass? So is there really such a thing as a force of gravity especially as it can’t be explained in quantum mechanics?
Rowena Offen from Berkshire (Aged 45-54)

When a sun explodes, how does it affect its gravitation?

When a sun explodes or implodes will its gravitation get stronger, get weaker or what else will happen
Liam Pender from Greater London (Aged 5-14)

Would we be alive if there wasn’t any gravity?

Would we be alive if there wasn’t any gravity?
Rebecca Delaney from Kent (Aged 5-14)

What holds the Sun in place?

The Earth’s gravity holds the moon in place. The Sun’s gravity holds the Earth in place. So what holds the Sun in place?
Sasha Skovron from Essex (Age: 5-14)

Why then are there simultaneous high tides on opposite side of the earth?

We are told that the seas’ tides are due to the gravitational pull of the sun and moon. Why then are there simultaneous corresponding high tides on the opposite side of the earth.
Mike Nixon from Worcestershire (Age 55+)

Please can you explain the concept of quantum gravity?

I do not understand the concept of quantum gravity. As mass comes in particles and mass has gravity will gravity not naturally be quatised? If gravity has its own quanta and if this does not coincide with mass quanta won’t we get funny effects? A particle too small to meet the 1 gravity quantum will not have gravity while two might. Am I just being thick?
Nyall Davies from Suffolk (Age 55+)

What is gravity and how is it generated?

What is gravity and how is it generated?
Derek Gouldsworthy from Kent (Age 55+)

I would like to know how gravity works.
Amz K from Swansea (aged 5-14)

How is gravity there and how does it just pull objects?
Callum Heenan from Somerset (Age 5-14)

How does gravity actually work?
Athena Draper from Somerset (Age 5-14)

Why do we have gravity?
Adam Lewis from Swansea (age 5-14)

How is gravity made?
Abid Hossain + Jack Huang + Eddy Liou from Swansea (age 5-14)
Ben Bradley from Swansea (age 5-14)
Junedfrom Swansea (age 5-14)

Why is there gravity?
Zach and Merlyn from Swansea (age 5-14)

How does gravity form?

How does gravity form?
Sam Hawkins from Hampshire (age 5-14)